Fresh and natural

Discover our fruit varieties


Origin and cultivation

At Baldiri Vilà, we strive to carefully select fruit varieties choosing those that are best adapted to local conditions and that offer the most intense flavors and the best organoleptic characteristics that ensure we obtain fruits that meet our standards of excellence.

Our commitment to sustainability and respect for the environment is reflected in the cultivation of our fruit, we use natural methods of pest control and soil conservation techniques, which ensures the long-term health and fertility of our cultivated land.

When our fruits reach their optimum ripeness, they are carefully hand-picked by expert farmers ensuring that only the highest quality fruits are selected, ensuring that consumers enjoy fresh and delicious produce at the table.


Do you want to know more?

Our main fruits


Originally from the region of Persia, pomegranates are appreciated both for their sweet and refreshing taste and for their nutritious properties. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid and antioxidants, such as polyphenols. They also contain fiber and minerals such as potassium.

Interior d'una magrana


Health benefits

Fruits are an essential part of a healthy diet due to their high content of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Consuming them regularly provides complete nutrition, protects against chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, promotes good digestive health, aids in hydration and weight control, improves cardiovascular health and contributes to healthy skin. These natural wonders are a delicious and nutritious option to improve our overall health and well-being.

Let's talk

You can contact us by phone at 932 631 593, by e-mail to [email protected] or by filling out the contact form
Logo of Pastry and bakery Fornés

Telephone: 932 631 593
Email: [email protected]

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